Privacy Policy

VMate - Music & Video Player strives to protect users' valuable personal information so that users can use the service with confidence. VMate - Music & Video Player Service (hereinafter referred to as the “VMate - Music & Video Player”) strictly complies with the privacy laws of Republic of Korea. 

In addition, VMate - Music & Video Player is serviced all over the world, so the VMate - Music & Video Player will continue to strive to comply with the privacy laws and regulations in the region where the service is provided. 

If the VMate - Music & Video Player is failing to comply with the privacy laws required by your region, please contact us at The VMate - Music & Video Player will do the best to protect the user's personal information safely.

The VMate - Music & Video Player will inform you the information which is collected.

The user can use the service without registering as a member, and the VMate - Music & Video Player does not collect any personal information from the user. In the process of using the service, the VMate - Music & Video Player may collects service usage record, device information, etc. through Google ADMob.

Except in the above cases, the VMate - Music & Video Player may request additional personal information in special circumstances such as events. The VMate - Music & Video Player will provide information and consent to the items collected, the purpose of use, and the storage period at that time.


The VMate - Music & Video Player will collect the user’s personal information as follow.


- Google Firebase

The VMate - Music & Video Player use Firebase to better understand and optimize user characteristics in mobile applications. At this time, the user data is anonymized and transmitted to Firebase. Personal information and information obtained from Firebase are not combined. The VMate - Music & Video Player collect information from Firebase and use it only to improve the VMate - Music & Video Player application. You can view Firebase's privacy policy at


Collected information will be used as follow.

The VMate - Music & Video Player use personal information for the sole purposes of managing development and improvements, establishing a safe user environment, and etc.

- For analyze statistics and usage records.

- For establish a safe service environment for users.

- For convenient service use for users 

While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you ("Personal Data"). Personally, identifiable information may include but is not limited to.  


The Partnership Policy

VMate - Music & Video Player respects the privacy policy.

Efforts to protect personal information

If the VMate - Music & Video Player collect personal information, the VMate - Music & Video Player will do the best to manage it safely. The VMate - Music & Video Player will do actively conducting vaccines and backups in preparation for the risk of hacking or viruses.

The department in charge.

Users can report any complaints related to the protection of personal information arising from using the VMate - Music & Video Player’s services to the department in charge. The VMate - Music & Video Player will promptly respond to the reported matters.


- Personal Information Protection department

Department : VMate - Music & Video Player

Name : Kirti Khokhaneshiya

Email :

This privacy policy may be changed in accordance with the relevant laws and guidelines of the Republic of Korea government, or may be arbitrarily adjusted according to changes in the VMate - Music & Video Player 's terms and conditions.


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